entry protect driver failed to start citrix

14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadGroup(836) - Group: ID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Plugin Suite, Description = These installations are shared for all products using the XenApp Plugin. 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1070) - Component: ID = ICA_Client, Name = , Family = , Version = 22.3.500.50, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Web Plugin, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {C3730689-D4B7-46FC-AAA4-9F3AEB9ACAD8}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\ICAWebWrapper.msi, InstallOrder = 02, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-ICAWebWrapper-20220511-145219.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {D2F83464-5687-4B49-8038-239D516FCB29}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AuthManager.msi, InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AuthManager-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1070) - Component: ID = WebHelper, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = WebHelper, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {FDEE55AD-66D0-423C-8851-273FAAB5CD65}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\WebHelper.msi, InstallOrder = 11, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-WebHelper-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False [CVADHELP-20695], On a Surface Pro device, when you choose the on-screen keyboard on the Desktop Viewer, the keyboard might not appear. For example, an Information event is logged when a network driver loads successfully. information, see Knowledge Center article CTX477888. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsDotNetInstalled(2543) - The.NET Framework requirement satisfied LICENSING, RENEWAL, OR GENERAL ACCOUNT ISSUES, Created: 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = BrowserEngine, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = BrowserEngine, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {CD29FC30-092F-4B47-82C8-F08F36863C45}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\CtxBrowserInstaller.msi, InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-CtxBrowserInstaller-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False Upvote if you found this answer helpful or interesting. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(841) - Cache client version : Funny enough the culprit seems to be a component of Citrix Workspace. [CVADHELP-19839], Accessing a web store URL from Citrix Workspace app for Windows can cause the workspace window to appear in the foreground instead of the background after each refresh interval. 14:52:37: Information - StopDriverFilterService(3941) - Trying to stop driver service : ctxusbm DriverView - Free - utility displays the list of all device drivers currently loaded on your system. 14:52:37: Information - CInstallationManager::CleanObseleteMSIBeforeUpgrade(1789) - Product code is empty which indicates that CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall was not installed 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = Localized_ko.xml, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\Localized_ko.xml It's always related to entryprotect.sys. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(564) - Read UpgradeCode from MSI: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = ICAWebWrapper.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\ICAWebWrapper.msi Usually when starting an application while NOT being connected to remote desktop. (Key not present.) [CVADHELP-19987]. Here is the error log: 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitializeLog(1838) - * Version: Roughly every 2 weeks. Upvote if you also have this question or find it interesting. (Key not present.) 14:52:19: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {D64F3971-283B-45E8-8D25-0DC06ED6D91E} 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = sidebarbackground.bmp, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\sidebarbackground.bmp [CVADHELP-19853], When using Citrix Workspace app 2204.1 or later, the session might disconnect. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. (Key not present.) 14:52:37: Information - CAppProtectionDialog::OnInstallClicked(246) - User clicked Install/Next button. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563} 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = NoRepair, Value = Yes [CVADHELP-20667], Dragging and dropping files from the user device to a published application might work the first time it is attempted. [CVADHELP-22194], When you start a published application with the Adaptive Audio policy enabled, the wfica32 process might exit unexpectedly. 14:52:39: Information - CInstallationManager::InstallPackage(4022) - DxSetup.exe return value 0. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\USB. I'm not 100% positive, but the problem is solved. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {22FBF0A5-1222-41C8-9C86-EBF8A062F782}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\SSONWrapper.msi, InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-SSONWrapper-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False [CVADHELP-19222]. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::ReadInstalledPackageVersion(2510) - No existing package. [CVADHELP-21319]. Please try again, Citrix Workspace app 2203.1 LTSR for Windows, Citrix Workspace app 2203.1 LTSR CU3 for Windows, Citrix Workspace app 2203.1 LTSR CU2 for Windows, Citrix Workspace app 2203.1 LTSR CU1 for Windows, When a Microsoft Outlook reminder appears during a Microsoft Teams call, a black square is displayed on the shared screen of Microsoft Teams. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = GenericUSB.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\GenericUSB.msi 14:52:37: Information - CApp::IsDotNetInstalled(2519) - Checking if .NET Framework is present with Min Release No 528040 CE SERVICE PEUT CONTENIR DES TRADUCTIONS FOURNIES PAR GOOGLE. Some of the Cloud Software Group documentation content is machine translated for your convenience only. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::CheckIsNonAdminRoamingProfile(3801) - Admin user. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\ReceiverInside. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpSelectedComponents(3211) - Selected Component: ID = USB, Name = , Family = , Version = 22.3.500.50, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = USB, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {BA0B2832-5341-423E-9200-BF2DA2B38F8C}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\GenericUSB.msi, InstallOrder = 03, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-GenericUSB-20220511-145219.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {503A0AFD-81AA-41C9-84B0-1923E483B6E6} [CVADHELP-20742, CVADHELP-21277], A published application might open in a non-visible state when you start the application. Step 1: Open Device Manager by right-clicking on the Start menu button and then clicking Device Manager. Citrix workspace updater service failed to start, verify you have sufficient privileges to start system services - Windows 11 - This issue occurs if there is a restriction to run unsigned binaries, for example, wfica.ocx. 14:52:37: Information - CInstallationManager::UpdateProtocolExecuteRegistry(582) - Set the WarnOnOpen registry key 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsEdgeWebView2Installed(4181) - Checking if Microsoft Webview2 Runtime is present on the system. 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = ProductUninstallKey, Value = CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = EULA_zh-TW.rtf, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\EULA_zh-TW.rtf Verified from Control Panel - Administrative tools - Local Security Policy - Local Policies - Security Options = that these again match machine where it works. 14:54:29: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(238) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: return value 0 {{articleFormattedCreatedDate}}, Modified: 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = DesktopViewer, Name = , Family = , Version = 22.3.500.50, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Citrix Workspace (DV), Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {F59A37E7-244E-4BCB-BF33-183F357F4C31}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\DesktopViewer.msi, InstallOrder = 04, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-DesktopViewer-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6} 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {658B9946-F89A-44F5-AB98-AE8885D9DBED} 14:52:39: Information - CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(2501) - Installing Component: ID = ReceiverInside 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(563) - Read ProductCode from MSI: {FDEE55AD-66D0-423C-8851-273FAAB5CD65} 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(572) - The installed version is currently set to per machine version 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = WebHelper, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = WebHelper, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {FDEE55AD-66D0-423C-8851-273FAAB5CD65}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\WebHelper.msi, InstallOrder = 11, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-WebHelper-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False

1970 Ndsu Football: Roster, Articles E

entry protect driver failed to start citrix