fiat 500 fuel tank capacity

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width: 80%; } background-image: linear-gradient(141deg, black 0%, black 71%, #0d0c0c 100%); } } background-color: #e3f1fa;, { width: 25%; } margin: 0; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } { width: 100%; } EPA Fuel Economy, combined/city/highway (mpg), EPA Fuel Economy Equivalent (for hybrid and electric vehicles), combined/city/highway (MPGe), Turning Diameter / Radius, curb to curb (feet), Turning Diameter / Radius, wall to wall (feet), Front Brake Rotors, diameter x thickness (inches), Rear Brake Rotors, diameter x thickness (inches), Maximum Trailer Weight, dead weight hitch (pounds), Maximum Tongue Weight, dead weight hitch (pounds), Maximum Trailer Weight, weight distributing hitch (pounds), Maximum Tongue Weight, weight distributing hitch (pounds), Transmission: 6-Speed Aisin F21-250 HD Automatic, Transmission w/AutoStick Sequential Shift Control, 500CCA Maintenance-Free Battery w/Run Down Protection, Torsion Beam Rear Suspension w/Coil Springs, 4-Wheel Disc Brakes w/4-Wheel ABS, Front Vented Discs, Brake Assist and Hill Hold Control, Body-Colored Front Bumper w/Black Bumper Insert, Body-Colored Rear Bumper w/Black Rub Strip/Fascia Accent, Body-Colored Bodyside Moldings and Black Bodyside Insert, Body-Colored Power Heated Side Mirrors w/Convex Spotter and Manual Folding, Fixed Rear Window w/Fixed Interval Wiper and Defroster, Tailgate/Rear Door Lock Included w/Power Door Locks, Auto Off Projector Beam Halogen Daytime Running Lights Preference Setting Headlamps w/Delay-Off, AM/FM Stereo w/Seek-Scan, Clock, Speed Compensated Volume Control, Steering Wheel Controls, Voice Activation, Radio Data System and External Memory Control, 6-Way Driver Seat -inc: Manual Recline, Height Adjustment and Fore/Aft Movement, 6-Way Passenger Seat -inc: Manual Recline, Height Adjustment and Fore/Aft Movement, 60-40 Folding Split-Bench Front Facing Manual Reclining Tumble Forward Premium Cloth Rear Seat w/Manual Fore/Aft, Gauges -inc: Speedometer, Odometer, Engine Coolant Temp, Tachometer, Trip Odometer and Trip Computer, Power Rear Windows and Fixed 3rd Row Windows, Remote Keyless Entry w/Integrated Key Transmitter and Illuminated Entry, Interior Trim -inc: Body-Colored Instrument Panel Insert and Metal-Look Interior Accents, Driver And Passenger Visor Vanity Mirrors w/Driver And Passenger Auxiliary Mirror, Full Floor Console w/Storage, Mini Overhead Console, Conversation Mirror and 1 12V DC Power Outlet, Full Carpet Floor Covering -inc: Carpet Front And Rear Floor Mats, Instrument Panel Covered Bin, Driver / Passenger And Rear Door Bins, Power 1st Row Windows w/Front And Rear 1-Touch Up/Down, Manual Anti-Whiplash Adjustable Front Head Restraints and Manual Adjustable Rear Head Restraints, Electronic Stability Control (ESC) And Roll Stability Control (RSC), Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Seat-Mounted Side Airbags, Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Front Airbags, Outboard Front Lap And Shoulder Safety Belts -inc: Rear Center 3 Point and Pretensioners, 4 Drivetrain Years / 50,000 Drivetrain Miles, 12 Corrosion Years / Unlimited Corrosion Miles, 4 Roadside Assistance Years / Unlimited Roadside Assistance Miles. background-color: transparent; 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